Our Challenge
There have been many challenges posted over the internet recently and here at Forever and Always Homestead we want to make our own challenge to you. We want to challenge you to take a step this year to becoming more self-sufficient. So what do we want you to do you ask? We want you to select just one thing to either grow or raise on your own. No matter if it is a small garden bed of greens, a few tomato plants in pots or even taking a shot at raising some laying hens to produce your own eggs. Our hope is some people will take this challenge together and be able to exchange some of the items they produce as well as begin building a more self-reliant community.
We All Start Somewhere
Before we had our property we started with just some hot pepper plants on the balcony of our apartment. Starting with just a few plants ignited the passion we have today. We want to share that passion and hope you will join us for this challenge.
Challenge Others!
Please share this post and challenge others to join us in becoming more self-sufficient. We would love to hear from those of you who accept this challenge. Please comment below or leave a comment on our Facebook page letting us know you have accepted the challenge and what you plan to produce this year.